INTRODUCTION: this is an independent & semi - private MULTIMUSE BLOG for characters from MARVEL'S COMICS & CINEMATIC UNIVERSES & VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDER & includes a few fandomles original characters. please let me know which muse you wish to interact with as i don't like to assume. i take 0 offence if you are only here for 1 muse. written by chae, she/her, 25+. blog is 18+ only. previous blogs include lostsouldier & withoutawar. this blog was previously called maavel.SELECTIVITY: i only follow / follow back people i intend to write with. i reserve the right to UNFOLLOW / SOFT BLOCK / HARD BLOCK if at any point i no longer see myself interacting with you. i will usually assess whether our muses have a basis for interaction and whether our writing styles mesh before following. i will only write with fellow 21+ year old writers. i discourage anyone under the age of 18 to follow this blog at all. i use this platform to write only, and to make friends if the opportunity presents itself.INTERACTION: fill out his interest checker to profit. i also frequently post memes / prompts which are a wonderful ( and preferred ) method of breaking the ice. i occasionally post starter calls. if the option is available to me, i will send in a meme / prompt as a way to initiate interaction. feel free to continue any memes / prompts that i fill out for you ( in fact, i highly encourage it and try to answer most memes with a segue for you to continue if you so wish, no pressure ! )
ACTIVITY: i am EXTREMELY slow. i do love plot & verse progression through ooc and / or memes. threads that gain the most traction for me are either developmental, action, conversations that hold meaning etc. i love plotting so if you have an idea please come to me — i also have random plot bunnies lying around in my brain so if you want to write but aren’t sure of what to write about we can definitely talk through it !!EXCLUSIVITY: i do not plan to go exlcusive with muses. i do have a mains list. i likely will not wish to interact with you if you already interact with 3+ variations of my canon muse, exceptions apply. this has nothing to do with the 'variations' (i welcome all duplicates !) and more to do with me wanting to feel special :・゚✧(ꈍᴗꈍ)✧・゚:THE BULLSH!T: i know there are some persisting people & culture issues in the tumblr rpc and i do not wish to get involved in any of it. i use the block / unfollow buttons liberally.DISCRETION: there are VILLAINS on this blog. i trust that anyone who interacts is able to separate fact from fiction.CREDITS: credit for psd’s goes to: ravenorlov, supersources, someresources, urban-flowergraphic & anniexoxos, and i will continue to add to this list as it grows. this carrd template was made for me by the lovely exo.last updated 05-may-23.
primary muses
BUCKY BARNES: from one fight to another, warring within himself and outside himself, bucky barnes has known no peace for most of his life. instead of dying in a fall from a moving train during the tail end of wwii, he faced a fate arguably worse than death - taken by the enemy, torn out of his own mind, limbs taken and replaced, turned against his country and everything he believed in. was this always who he was supposed to become? can he ever find the man he used to be ? does he want to ? mcu canon semi - compliant.